Building Engaging Websites That Generate Leads

We are a leading agency with over 25 years of experience, specializing in creating beautiful and effective websites for small to medium sized companies.

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Transforming Ideas into Stunning Online Experiences

Our agency specializes in web design, development, and SEO services. We create engaging and lead generating websites that captivate your audience and drive results.

Web Design
We craft visually stunning websites that leave a lasting impression.
Web Development
Our expert developers bring your website to life with seamless functionality.
SEO Services
We optimize your website to increase visibility and drive organic traffic.

Experience the Power of Engaging and Beautiful Websites

Our agency specializes in building websites that not only look stunning, but also generate leads and provide an exceptional user experience. With over 25 years of experience working with websites and being a part of fortune 50 companies defining the retail ecommerce industry, we know what it takes to create a website that drives results.

Increased Leads
Our websites are designed to attract and convert visitors into valuable leads for your business.
Beautiful Design
We create visually stunning websites that leave a lasting impression on your audience.

Meet Our Team

Get to know the talented individuals behind our success.

Jenny Murtaugh
Jenny Murtaugh
Web designer

Lead web designer at pixfort labs in France.

Marco Alves
Marco Alves
Chief design officer

Lead web designer at pixfort labs in France.

Joana Leite
Joana Leite
Content manager

Lead content manager at pixfort labs in France.


From Consultation to Project Completion

Our process begins with an initial consultation where we gather all the necessary information to understand your goals and requirements. We then proceed to design and develop a beautiful and functional website that is tailored to your brand. Finally, we ensure that the website is optimized for lead generation, helping you generate more business.

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Initial Consultation

We start by understanding your goals and requirements.

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Design and Development

We create a beautiful and functional website that represents your brand.

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Lead Generation

We ensure that your website is optimized for lead generation.

Transforming Ideas Into Digital Solutions

We create stunning websites that drive results and captivate your audience.

Unlimited Possibilities
Create awesome and great looking websites with Essentials.
Made in France
Create awesome and great looking websites with Essentials.
Unlimited Possibilities
Create awesome and great looking websites with Essentials.